ONDAMED! A story of love, healing & medical revolution


by Silvia Binder

Change your life. Change your practice.
Unravel the mysteries behind undiagnosed and mistreated disease and illness.
The answer is here, and has been here for decades.
You just need to open your mind and read this book…
ONDA-MED is a Latin word and stands for Wave-Medicine.
This book is the biography of ONDAMED® and the impact it has had on millions of people around the globe.

This book that can live with you in your home, practice, clinic, office, and your car continuously radiating benevolence and love.

My dear friends and colleagues from around our globe,
Finally! My book is completed and available for you to get today. My story will take you through our childhood, Rolf’s journey which brought him to the invention of this brilliant technology, our first meeting in New York and the development of a sweet business relationship leading to our marriage in 2006.

Several chapters deal with diseases and provoking thoughts as to their origins and paths to overcome them such as Lyme Disease and Breast Cancer.

Place the book in your waiting room for your patients to read. An abundance of real life case studies will support their decision of receiving ONDAMED treatment.

It is a book of inspiration and hope. A book which I hope will live with you in your home, practice, clinic, office, and your car continuously radiating benevolence and love.

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